Hi, my name is Enes Burak Elmal
I'm the Frontend Developer

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28 years old website developer living in Dubai. I am a Foreign Trade graduate, but I did not have any activity related to my department

I can provide most website related support, whether you have a personal website, a commercial or a blog

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Kadıköy GSM

This project uses HTML, SASS and Javascript + React. The data is kept statically in Firebase-Firestore and comes to the page after the request to the database

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Kadıköy GSM Admin Panel

This project uses HTML, SASS and Javascript + React. The database control to which the data shown on the commercial website is connected is connected to this panel. User edits / deletes / adds information of products from here. Firebase-Auth was used for the login system.

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Gamepot Landing Page

This project uses HTML, SASS and Javascript + React for the front-end development.

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Face Recognition

This project uses HTML, CSS, and Javascript + React for the front-end and a NodeJs/Express + PostgreSQL server and database configuration for the back-end. It pings the Clarifai API for face detection in photographs and displays the image with a bounding box around the faces that it detects

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FAQ Package for React Native

Here is my first NPM package.

I love everything open source and hope to continue to increase the number of these packages to support.

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Person Portfolio

This project uses HTML, SASS, and Javascript + React for the front-end. Landing page project that I'm trying to keep minimalism at the forefront

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Blockchain & NFT Project

This project uses Solidity, React and Web3.js to create a NFT (Non-Fungible Token) contract. It is a smart contract that allows users to create, transfer and burn NFTs

Project builded on Opensea Test server. So metamask must be on Rinkeby Test Server. Just "Mint NFT" and see this your NFT!

NFT's basically provide lol composition. Top-Jungle-Mid-Adc-Support in that order

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Movie App

This website is made using TMDB API. I tried to capture dynamics with features like "search" and "overview"

You know, like every website developer, this too my Movie-App :)

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API Server

API server and database backend for the Face Recognition frontend APP. The API uses NodeJs/Express as the server and the database used PostgreSQL database

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You can check my Github link for more

Tip: Like many website tools, e-commerce projects

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